Lecture - Getting Started in HTML

 Getting Started in HTML





Knowledge of browsers

Ability to use text editors




This video covers the topics to get you started with html - covered are;


  1. Basic structure of html (html, head, body)
  2. Versions of HTML
  3. Concept of elements and attributes
  4. Simple tag structures
  5. How to use "View Source" to see HTML
  6. Links and images.




Video 1 - filmed 2011


Video 2 - Filmed 2012




Reference Materials


If you are new to html then you can easily master html using the w3c schools. This is at http://www.w3schools.com/ . For this class it is expected that you have full mastery of standard html. 


There are plenty of html tutorials out there - this Google Search will lead you to a lot of them.


Here is the html text used in this video


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello HTML</title>
    <p>Hello World!</p>
    <img src="Eaglin.jpg">
    <a href="https://cop4813eaglin.pbworks.com/w/page/57579829/Lecture%20-%20Getting%20Started%20in%20HTML">Link to Web Site</a>



Additional Information


The tutorial materials at W3 Schools http://www.w3schools.com/  and Code Academy http://www.codecademy.com/ will give you a solid background in XHTML.



COP 4813 Lectures