COP 4813 Spring 2011 Assignment 1

 Assignment 1




Establish an environment for handling assignments in the class.

Learn how to set up an internal or external hosting environment.


Supporting Video


Setting up Web Hosting - 




You will need to setup a hosting environment with the following capabilities;


- Server can serve web pages (html)

- Server hosts a multi-user database (Oracle, SQL Server, My SQL, PostGRE SQL)

- Server can serve server side web pages using either  .NET, PHP, Python, or other server scripting language. Please note that the server will be used to support assignments and should be capable of handling the database and language you will be using.


The choice of your environment here will be important to later assignments, however students will be able to cross-host web pages. Most of the lectures use SQL Server and .NET platform, but you are NOT limited to using these to complete the assignments. In nearly all assignments you will be judged on final functionality of the assignment within your hosting environment or on a page hosted by a server used by students in the class.


Hosting options:



- Many hosting options exist and are free or low cost I will start a list here and any recommendations from students (and I mean by recommendation - you've used it and it works OK);





There is no additional information for this assignment at this time.